Janae Quarles – Fresno City College

Janae Quarles- Student Interview ’24

Immigration Legal Services Pathway Fellowship Graduate – Fresno City College

We had the great joy of interviewing Janae Quarles on their experience in our CYLC learn-and-earn career pathway. They were a student fellow in our Immigration Legal Services Pathway Fellowship Program, who passed CLINIC’s Comprehensive Overview of Immigration Law (COIL) and graduated from our first cohort. Learn more about their experience in our program and their future goals in pursing law school to further provide support and advocacy for immigrants in their local community.

In what ways did this fellowship experience contribute to your personal and professional growth, and how do you envision yourself applying the skills you have acquired into your local community?

This fellowship helped me in so many ways! I got hands-on experience in a field of law that I’ve now come to love! I also got to develop close relationships with attorneys, DOJ Accredited Representatives and paralegals doing outstanding work for the immigrant community here in Fresno. I want to also highlight that this fellowship provided essential financial support and career development. Thanks to this fellowship I was able to secure a full-time position as a caseworker at my fellowship placement. I’m very grateful for the opportunity!

Tell us about a moment or accomplishment during your fellowship that you are particularly proud of. How did it contribute to the goals of the organization or project you were involved in?

I am very proud to have accomplished and completed over 15 DACA applications and general immigration consultations for community members seeking relief.

What are your plans for the future? In reflecting on your fellowship, what key lessons or insights did you gain, and how do you plan to apply these learning’s in your future endeavors or career path? For example, are you excited about starting a new job/career in your field, and or continuing school?

I will be enrolling in law school this Fall 2024. I have learned countless techniques that will be useful to me in law school including but not limited to: networking, case management, organization skills, case analysis, legal strategy, legal procedure, briefing, declaration drafting, creating rapport with potential clients, how to complete and process countless immigration applications.

Can you share your social justice origin story? What drives you to do the work in creating social change in your local community?

Trayvon Martin’s story has stayed with me throughout my childhood and adulthood. It really shifted my idea of what justice is. His story impacted me because I dealt with a similar experience as a child. When I advocate for social equity I keep my history, his story, and the many other incidents of racial injustice in the back of my mind. It drives me to be the advocate that I can.