04 May Rosa M. García and Brenda Carillo testify in California State Legislature
Rosa M. García, CLP/CYLC Executive Director, and Brenda Carillo, De Anza College’s Program Lead, were asked to testify before the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, Subcommittee #5 on our progress and on our work so far. In their testimony, Rosa and Brenda urged the members of the committee to restore $20 million in funding for California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC).
In her testimony Rosa states, “At a time when many are questioning the value and strength of our nation’s democracy, it is imperative that our nation and state do more to civically engaged and empower historically marginalized youth. CYLC has tapped into the desires of young people to tackle critical issues such as racial and economic justice, climate change, public and community health, immigration and much more in order to create positive change in their local communities, thereby strengthening their ability to participate in our nation’s democratic institutions and to help foster an equitable and inclusive democracy.”
This budget cut would adversely impact our ability to offer these educational and paid work-based learning opportunities to students, along with undermining the commitments we have already made to community partners.
Brenda Carillo spoke about the impact CYLC has had on helping to transform the lives of students through educational resources and mentoring support. Brenda expressed, “Through the CYLC program, we not only provide a space for individuals to develop leadership skills and engage in community organizing, but we create a space to foster their personal growth and healing. We’ve seen remarkable success in our program, with graduates transitioning to part-time or full-time work with their internship placements, as well as pursuing AA’s, transferring to 4-year universities, or going back to finish their GED.”
We ask that legislative staff recognize the adverse impact of this disinvestment on historically marginalized students, nonprofit organizations, and community colleges.
CLP / CYLC is hopeful that the Legislature and The Honorable Gavin Newsom will restore the $20 million reduction to California Youth Leadership Corps through the California Workforce Development Board and give us an opportunity to sustain and grow these innovative community change career pathways.
If folks would like to further discuss this matter, please contact:
Rosa M. García, Executive Director of CLP/CYLC | rosa@communitylearningpartnership.org