Hartnell College (CYLC)
About this course
California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC) – Hartnell College
Hartnell College is dedicated to meeting the educational and workforce development needs of its communities. Committed to student learning, achievement, and success, Hartnell College offers a wide range of academic and career pathways for students.
California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC) has partnered with Hartnell College and Comunidades Indigenas En Liderazgo (CIELO) to create a new community change learn-and-earn career pathway in Language Justice to prepare youth to provide critical services to marginalized immigrant communities in California. The Language Justice Career Pathway seeks to expand the number of qualified interpreters who can provide interpretation and translation services to immigrant communities in California.
California is the most multilingual state in the nation, with over 200 spoken languages and sign languages, and with 44 percent of Californian’s speaking a non-English language at home. Trained and qualified interpreters enable access to critical legal, health care, educational, and other services and empower immigrant communities to make their voices heard in local-decision making. The Language Justice Career Pathway seeks to increase the number of qualified interpreters to better serve marginalized immigrant communities across California.
Latest Information:
CYLC-Hartnell College applies learn-and-earn community change career pathway programs that enrich and prepare historically marginalized youth for community change careers. CYLC Language Justice Career Pathway Program participants will pursue their postsecondary credential (either a certificate or an AA), they participate in paid work-based learning opportunities with nonprofit organizations partner organizations in their local communities. These nonprofit organizations help to prepare CYLC student participants with the community organizing, advocacy, and leadership skills to enter a community change career in environmental justice fields. CYLC-Hartnell College aims to increase the number of well-trained and qualified interpreters, enable access to critical legal, health care, educational, and other services and empower immigrant communities to have their voices heard in local-decision making.
Students who participate have the opportunity to be awarded up to $10,000 in stipend awards and a scholarship of $5,000 while they are enrolled in the CYLC program.
Eligibility: CYLC serves community college students who are primarily between the ages of 18-24; however, students who are over the age of 24 are eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled at Hartnell College to apply. Students will be selected and onboarded on an ongoing basis.
Application Dates: The application for the CYLC Language Justice Learn-and-Earn Career Pathway Program at Hartnell College is coming soon.
Coming Soon
Contact Information
Maricela Aboytes, CYLC Program Director | maricela@communitylearningpartnership.org
Rosa M. García, CYLC-CLP Executive Director | rosa@communitylearningpartnership.org
Belen Gonzales, Director of Career and Transfer Hub | bgonzale@hartnell.edu | 831.759.6066