Fullerton College (CYLC)
About this course
California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC) – Fullerton College
Fullerton College is the oldest continuous operating community college in Southern California and the primary source of education to Orange County residents. Fullerton College offers various opportunities to engage students in “out of the classroom” activities, dynamic leadership opportunities, and practical learning experiences. Fullerton College believes that in order to accomplish its goal of nurturing the future generation of leaders, we need to make sure they have a healthy planet in which to lead.
California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC) has partnered with Fullerton College to create a new community change learn-and-earn career pathway in Environmental Justice. The CYLC-Fullerton Environmental Justice Career Pathway Program will prepare students to become community organizers, change agents, and leaders in their local communities.
Latest Information:
CYLC-Fullerton College offers a learn-and-earn community change career pathway program that enriches and prepares historically marginalized students for community change careers in the nonprofit and public sectors. While students pursue their postsecondary credential (either a certificate or an AA), they participate in paid work-based learning opportunities with nonprofit organizations partner organizations in their local communities. These nonprofit organizations help to prepare CYLC student participants with the community organizing, advocacy, and leadership skills to enter a community change career in environmental justice fields.
Students who participate have the opportunity to be awarded up to $10,000 in stipend awards and a scholarship of $5,000 while they are enrolled in the CYLC-Fullerton program.
Eligibility: CYLC serves community college students who are primarily between the ages of 18-24; however, students who are over the age of 24 are eligible to apply.
Application Dates: The application for the CYLC Environmental Justice Learn-and-Earn Career Pathway Program at Fullerton College’s deadline is December 14, 2024 with ongoing enrollment..
Apply Here
Contact Information
roque armenta, Senior CYLC Program Director | roque@communitylearningpartnership.org
Rosa M. García, CYLC-CLP Executive Director | rosa@communitylearningpartnership.org
Ericka Adakai, Fullerton Director of Instructional Partnerships & Programs Department | eadakai@fullcoll.edu